Liberia: Oil Rigmarole - HRM Expresses Fear

The New Republic Liberia (Monrovia) [07/11/12]
By Magnes M. Tarr

A human rights organization calling itself "The Human Rights Monitor of the United Methodist Church" has expressed concern over the rigmarole on going in the oil sector.

Mr. Jefferson B. Knight who is the Program Director of the Human Rights Monitors said the group foresees chaos ahead of the rigmarole, which now compel every Liberian to remember the oil sector including other natural resources in the country.

"Our attention is drawn to what is transpiring in the oil sector between the Executive and the Legislative branches of government" the human rights advocates noted.

Mr. Knight said it is sad that the oil industry has become a point of confusion and confrontation since the discovery of the sector, with the most recent incident in the Edwin Snowe-Robert Sirleaf saga which has since taken headlines in the local dailies.

Making the assertion on Monday November 5, 2012 in Sinkor Mr. Knight noted that the issue of oil is troubling in that a sector that has proven to be a "curse" for many counties can be handled carelessly in the country, "Liberia must do all to avoid the oil curse".

The group also mentioned that its attention has been draw to the increasing wave of armed robbery activities and the "Super Friday" issue.

Director Knight pointed out those communities that are at the mercy of marauding armed men at night, according to him, poses serious security problem for the people of Liberia.

He said while it true that the national security is trying to curb the situation, there is more that needs to be done, adding: "police and other security apparatus need to step up their patrol in an effort to arrest the threat".

At the same he is calling on the Government of Liberia through the Ministries of Education, Youth and Sports and Justice to seriously put to halt the super Friday which according to him, leads children to the various beaches in and around Monrovia to do all sorts of things.

"Let this claim the attention of the government of Liberia and the general public so that our children can live", he added.

Meanwhile t, he had made a commitment to help the government by investigating some of the societal ills and promised to stand to help put government on the right track.

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